
Transforming Schools Into
Centers of Wellness


Schools As Centers of Wellness is made possible by a deep partnership between Sacramento County Department of Health Services and Sacramento County Office of Education. Learn more.

Every Student Deserves
Access to Quality
Mental Health Services

In Sacramento, we believe that every student deserves to have mental health supports in the classrooms anytime they need it. We are transforming schools into centers of wellness by placing mental health teams in every school across the county. This is transformational work, and we need your help. Whether you are a student, parent, school administrator, job seeker, or policy maker, we invite you to join our movement.

Themes of Our Work



Access to Care



In collaboration with our 13 school districts, identify and address the mental health and wellness needs of all students in Sacramento County, by placing a SCOE employed mental health professional in EVERY SCHOOL and creating a system in which all adults understand their role and contribute to supporting the school-community-continuum-of-care.


Bring the education and health systems together as partners to create a continuum of care for mental health and wellness throughout Sacramento County’s education system(s) which will intervene as early as possible to: eliminate the school-to-prison pipeline, reduce the number of ‘system- involved’ adults and adolescents, and mitigate the onset and impact of mental health disorders in Sacramento County.

A Team Approach

We believe mental health and wellness goes beyond the limitations of clinical treatment. Our team is made up of diverse mental health practitioners, including licensed and associate clinicians, family navigators, peer specialists, behavioral health coaches, graduate clinical interns, and many more.

We Are Reframing
Mental Health

By bringing a full team of mental health professionals into each school, we are creating a new culture around mental health. No longer do students need to be in crisis to receive the mental health supports they need. This approach acknowledges that everyone can benefit from mental health support and emphasizes the importance of accessing these services before a crisis occurs.

Our Work Is Built Around
Collective Impact

Transforming schools into centers of wellness involves working in deep partnership with the Sacramento County Department of Health Services, Medi-Cal partners, schools, districts, students and their families. By working together towards commonly identified goals, we are able to achieve deep, long-lasting goals.

Our Goals for Schools as Centers of Wellness:

  • Improved Academic Achievement

  • Reduced Suspensions 

  • Reduced Chronic Absenteeism 

  • Decrease Referrals to Special Education 

  • Improve early intervention and prevention approaches such that we see a decline in the need for intense clinical interventions over time 

  • An increase in early identification of mental health disorders/indicators, and therefore an opportunity to address those concerns as early as possible

It’s All About

Protective adult relationships in schools are essential for students' emotional and academic well-being. Students who feel connected to adults in their school are more likely to attend school regularly, engage in their learning, and feel a sense of belonging. These relationships can also serve as a buffer against stress and adversity, providing a source of support and guidance during challenging times.

In the work of building trusting relationships in schools, we know that the essential components are:

  • Empathy - The recognition of the self in the other

  • Unconditional Positive Regard - Respect for the dignity and worth of the person

  • Continuity - The ability to maintain objectivity and consistency

We Need You

Whether you are actively pursuing your education, a current mental health professional, or someone looking for a career change, we invite you in. We are turning schools into Centers of Wellness and we cannot do this work without you.

Reach Out

Addressing mental health and creating more equitable schools is imperative to our work. Decreasing systemic barriers to support and promoting increased access to mental health care is at the heart of this work.